24 Fragen / Questions
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24 Fragen / Questions
Some questions concerning part 2 of the exercise:
1. could one assume elves are called up randomly from the different groups (i.e., one could not quarantee order and in worst case all elves from one group could be called before elves from the other groups are called)?
2. do the elves from the same group as called-up elf learn about the cookie type, which was in elf's box, after he said his answer, or they hear only the answer of the elf, but do not know, whether his answer was correct?
(12-29-2024, 07:05 AM)hedgehog schrieb: Some questions concerning part 2 of the exercise:
1. could one assume elves are called up randomly from the different groups (i.e., one could not quarantee order and in worst case all elves from one group could be called before elves from the other groups are called)?
2. do the elves from the same group as called-up elf learn about the cookie type, which was in elf's box, after he said his answer, or they hear only the answer of the elf, but do not know, whether his answer was correct?

I'm sorry, that i was not able to answer in time Confused  I didn't have a look at the forum yesterday, so i saw your question just now.
I still want to answer it in case that you want to solve it without getting any points

concerning 1.: Yes, they are called up randomly and indeed your claimed worst case could happen.
concerning 2.: This information is not relevant to solving the challenge, but i also stated earlier (in german) that one can assume that the elves learn about the correct cookie type after guessing.

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